Written by LunarSpotlight
Sunday, 07-May-23 18:18:11 UTC
Within the last two weeks (we skipped last weekend), our team traveled to the inaugural TouhouFest in Torrance, California! It was also the first time ever that all of our active staff was together in one place. For a rundown of our time there, read on!
TouhouFest 2023 was our first appearance as featured guests at a convention or other related event anywhere, solidifying its place in our station’s history as one to remember no matter what followed. We got to meet up with many fans new and old, bump elbows with the world-famous TAM (TAMusic) whos booth was immediately next to ours for the weekend, meet past guests from some of our recent Live broadcasts including Medukitty and Punderfullll, and enjoy a Touhou-filled atmosphere the likes of which has never been seen in the US before. We got to meet new and familiar game developers, musicians, DJs, artists, and more.
For our part, we stood among the other guests, cosplay ambassadors, and musicians during opening ceremonies, ran a panel/Q&A in the main hall, gave away some freebies afterwards, and gave out more freebies at our first-ever booth where people could check out some of the items available on our online store.
By the way, our store is still running a free shipping deal on orders of $25 or more, available through tomorrow, so consider picking something up if you haven’t already!
On the station front, we held a partial Live (#127) while at our booth on Saturday. A mix of busy event schedules, new equipment, and co-host unfamiliarity were all contributing reasons for the show’s unusual structure. Nevertheless, the episode will become available once we have time to edit through our current backlog of episodes.
We were also briefly able to (indirectly) run the main stage’s audio on Sunday as they tuned in to our station to fill dead air between events. Unfortunately, the station was indirectly hit by a DDoS about half an hour later. Part of our colocation provider’s infrastructure became unresponsive, and it took from Sunday afternoon until 40 minutes before Lunar landed back home on Monday night to become available again. As a result, the station was dead for a little over 30 hours between Sunday and Monday last weekend. Obviously, on a major event weekend where we’re telling people about our station, this was truly unfortunate timing. We’ll be able to conduct a full evaluation of our station’s systems no sooner than this coming weekend. The station is currently running normally.
As a result of the weekend, we’re aiming to bring on some exciting guests to chat about new things on the horizon and bring new experiences for our listeners around the world. Stay tuned over the coming weeks and months for more, and thanks for listening!
[Knowledge #115]
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