Written by LunarSpotlight
Sunday, 13-Aug-23 22:13:59 UTC
Written by LunarSpotlight
Sunday, 13-Aug-23 22:13:59 UTC
This week, Comic Market 102 brought more new music and another official Touhou game into the world, and we edge ever closer to the test phase of v2. For more details, read on.
Comiket 102 took place this weekend at the Tokyo Big Sight where the venue saw 648 Touhou-related circles in attendance, a 9.6% increase compared to C101. C102 saw a turnout more comparable to events prior to the pandemic, with attendance restrictions lifted for this event. C100 and C101 were both uniquely ticketed events which limited the number of attendees to just a fraction of its normal numbers. Additionally, we’ve got a new Touhou game out (Touhou 19), so please be mindful of folks who are avoiding info and spoilers for now; we’ll talk more about it during our next event (TBA).
Our listeners shared many of the circles they’re looking forward to getting CDs from, and we forwarded many of those via our #ComiketWatch series on social. It may be worth checking on if you’re interested in following some of the artists and circles that were mentioned.
Finally, testing of app v2 is just around the corner, and we’d like to remind folks about who’s eligible to help test. Before v1 was launched, we invited our enthusiast supporters (via Patreon) to help check things out across devices and in various scenarios. This time, we’ll also be inviting our Indigo and Indigo+ listener members to help test.
This first iteration will not have translations available since we’re working to push a well-functioning replacement for the current Android version ASAP. We’ll be working on implementing a system for our volunteers to use for submitting translations as well as implementing that system into the app shortly after v2 is released.
That’s all for this week, stay tuned for more updates, and thanks for listening!
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